The new constellation TräKraft consists of eleven craftspeople, artists, designers, and architects who showcase a wide range of expressions, craft methods, and artistic storytelling through objects made of wood.
Thomas NordströmPhoto: Thomas Nordström
TräKraft is a group exhibition that explores materiality and time. Wood as a material has a variety of conditions, uses, and relationships at a societal level with nature, culture, and industry. On an individual level, we all have personal relationships, perhaps a favorite piece of furniture or a kitchen utensil that fits the hand and engages all the senses. Trees have existed for millions of years, can grow for centuries, and disappear in seconds in a forest fire. How we manage and utilize our trees today and in the future is a highly relevant burning issue. What are the best carbon sinks? Perhaps living trees, long-lasting furniture, and a thriving handicraft tradition.
Thomas Nordström Annika Oskarsson Erik Thulén Alice Kettle Carl Martinson Anders Johansson Chandra Ahlsell Folkform Mattias Käll Bodafors Möbler
Ringvägen 98, Stockholm
See on map
Thursday 3 October 16.00-22.00
Thomas Nordström Annika Oskarsson Erik Thulén Alice Kettle Carl Martinson Anders Johansson Chandra Ahlsell Folkform Mattias Käll Bodafors Möbler
Several of the artists, designers, and craftspeople participating in the exhibition talk about their work and their relationship with the material wood.
Thomas Nordström Alice Kettle Anders Johansson Mattias Käll Mattias Bäcklin Anna Holmqvist Folkform Chandra Ahlsell Folkform Malin Zimm Erik Thulén Carl Martinsson Annika Oskarsson Bodafors Möbler
Ringvägen 98, Stockholm
See on map
Thomas Nordström Alice Kettle Anders Johansson Mattias Käll Mattias Bäcklin Anna Holmqvist Folkform Chandra Ahlsell Folkform Malin Zimm Erik Thulén Carl Martinsson Annika Oskarsson Bodafors Möbler