The artist duo Kofesofi consists of Alice Hultdin and Carolina Weigl, who share an interest in wood. Since 2021, they have organized exhibitions and workshops in the art of crafting a kofés*, where the goal is for participants to achieve a state of sculptural flow. *A kofés is an abstract wooden sculpture where the tree's fibers guide the form of the sculpture.
Alice Hultdin, Carolina WeiglPhoto: Carolina Weigl
Welcome to an exhibition within the enchanting setting of Bee Urban Evolution Lab’s rooftop greenhouse. In this magical space you'll find a captivating show featuring a collection of ”kofeses" – wooden sculptures carved by the artist duo Kofesofi – Alice Hultdin and Carolina Weigl.
Carolina Weigl Alice Hultdin
Karlavägen 100, Stockholm
See on map
Wednesday 2 October 15.00-20.00
Carolina Weigl Alice Hultdin
Welcome to join in a magical greenhouse nestled atop Bee Urban Evolution Lab’s rooftop garden, Karlavägen 100. Within this enchanting setting, the duo Kofesofi will host a kofes* crafting workshop. *A Kofes is an abstract wooden sculpture where the grains in the wood inspire the form.
Carolina Weigl Alice Hultdin
Karlavägen 100, Stockholm
See on map
Wednesday 2 October 15.00-20.00
Carolina Weigl Alice Hultdin